Thank you for your interest in Pine and welcome to our website. I trust the information contained within these pages will give you a good glimpse of who we are and how we operate.
I have had the privilege of watching my father build and grow this company based upon a few fundamental but key principles. Act with uncompromising honesty and integrity in everything we do; satisfy our customers with strong communication, superior quality, value and service; and always serve others in any capacity possible. Today these same principles run true throughout the Pine Family and are used as the lens through which we view the future.
It should be evident that our employees who design, develop, and build products as well as those who provide business and customer support are our most valuable assets. The investment we have made in hiring and developing the best people radiates in every customer’s experience with a Pine employee. We are truly a company defined by the character and integrity of our people.
From our modest beginnings in 1962, we have grown into a vertically integrated, diversified, multi-company operation that enjoys doing business all over the world. We have the financial strength to deploy leading technology throughout our organizations with the leadership commitment to hold to our founding principles. I am both honored and committed to maintaining my father’s legacy as the leader and servant to this excellent group of individuals.
I hope you enjoy exploring our websites and encourage you to learn about the opportunities our company may provide.
Very Sincerely,
Joe Hines